Lady Ivy Opoku-Sarkodie
Lady Ivy Opoku-Sarkodie was trained as a Banker and has been involved in kingdom building all her adult life. She serves as an Executive Director of Nanasei Opoku–Sarkodie Ministries , CEO of Paradise Bookshop and Co- Founder and Executive Director of World Prayer Centre a non-denominational kingdom oriented COMMISSION dedicated to the building up of the body of Christ worldwide through prophetic prayers, PRACTICAL family life and the teaching of the word of GOD.
Together with her Husband Prophet Nanasei Opoku–Sarkodie they have taken the gospels of Salvation, Deliverance Healing and Prosperity to the nations of the world .
A soft-spoken woman, Lady Ivy possesses the rare ability to organize, reach and stir people to discover and deploy their talent in building up the kingdom of God.
Her passion for healthy family life and values demonstrated in practical terms and through deep spiritual insight has endeared her to many. Together with her husband they are blessed with three wonderful children. She always says “Soli Deo Gloria” To God alone be the glory.