“For what if some did not believe? Shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?”
There is something called natural faith. For instance, if you are crossing a road and you see a car coming, something in your spirit can tell you that if you move, this car will knock you down. That is natural faith at work in you. Another instance can also be this: when you stand on a small chair, natural faith can tell you that, when you jump, nothing will happen to you; but if you stand on a story-building, natural faith can tell you that, as for this one, you will need a ladder; you don’t need to quote scriptures to jump. It is called natural faith.
Jesus was talking about we having the God kind of faith. Some of you have faith but it is not the God kind of faith. You are operating a certain kind of faith, and if you are not getting the results, you question God, why? The reason it didn’t work was that you did not operate the God kind of faith. The God kind of faith does not fail. The reason a lot of people are not operating the God kind of faith is that they are moved by what they feel. There is even another faith the world has given to us, it is called sensual faith – you believe it all right, you confess it all right but you are not acting on it.
Pray and ask God to help you operate the kind of faith needed to access your blessings……
The delay could be because you are operating your kind of faith and not the God kind of faith
Judges 13-15 Luke 6:27-49