Book to Read: The Just Shall Live by Faith by Prophet Nanasei Opoku SARKODIE (Book of the week)
Scriptures: Psalm 25:12; Nehemiah 8:10; Proverbs 2:6; John 10:10
- Let God arise! and at his presence, let all my enemies be exposed and destroyed, in name of Jesus.
- Father, I activate the Presence of God to produce abundance in my life, in the name of Jesus.
- By the Presence of God, I receive and declare deliverance for myself and my entire family, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, as we pray, we activate the Presence of God to impart wisdom on the leaders of the nation, Ghana, in the name of Jesus.
- LORD, we confess, that the joy of the Lord is the Strength of Potters City and all Potterians, in the name of Jesus.