AUG. 4 – Pray and say Lord! I want to feel THE PRESENCE OF GOD

 “And he said, My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest.”

EXODUS 33:14

It is very important to come to church and feel the presence of God because it is His presence that makes all the difference.

 • When the presence of God comes, it drives away satanic forces. Darkness and light cannot co-exist in the same place. As soon as light appears, darkness must give way.

• The presence of God comes with healing and deliverance. You will notice this in the New Testament “And Jesus was preaching and teaching, and the presence of God was there to heal (Lk 5:17). Nobody laid hands on them, nobody anointed them with oil; just the presence of God was eliminating cancers and diabetes.

• When the presence of God is in your car, demons of accident will be cleared off. When It is in your shop, it doesn`t matter what they throw there, it will return back to them. When Elisha carried the presence of God into the Shunammite woman`s house, barrenness gave way for fruitfulness (2Kings 4:8-37). May the presence of God eliminate anything God didn`t put in your life. His presence has the capacity to make the impossible, possible!


experience your presence in my life, family, business etc……


Everything in the Church becomes an entertainment without the presence of God.


Exodus 25-26 || Matthew 20:17-34