“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
Ephesians 6:12
The devil’s kingdom has a structure:
Principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, spiritual wickedness.
The devil is not omnipresent. But he has agents all over the place.
There are different kinds of demons.
We must understand by discernment the kind of demons you are dealing with.
Every altar is backed by a spirit.
There are times when you feel like you have become a special target of the devil.
Everything is going wrong in your business, home, marriage, finances, job.
The devil we are dealing with is a lawbreaker. We are the police to enforce the law.
The devil is having a field day because we are not enforcing his defeat.
We are not enforcing his defeat because spiritual warfare is work, and often, we are ignorant.
Once you are ready to fight, you are ready to break through.
When you see certain stubborn problems, The spirit of Leviathan is behind it!
Leviathan is behind insanity, suicidal thoughts, depression, persistent sin, use of drugs, divisions in families, division in churches.
About 70% of Jesus ministry was direct combat with the devil: casting out demons, healing the sick.
Don’t travel and buy pictures or items with dragons on them! They are symbolic of Satan. Take them out of your house!
When you manage to deal with his head, be careful of his tail.
The wilderness is about Christians going through challenges, as if God isn’t there. They are seeking God for direction and sometimes confused.
Leviathan flips us back and forth.
Discerning that he is the one behind it is the first step.
Leviathan works with timing. Leviathan sometimes has many heads. Anything with two heads is a monster! When you hear multiple voices speaking, and they don’t match up…it’s Leviathan.
Leviathan is crooked, but God will punish Leviathan with a sword!
Leviathan has to do with the sea, which means marine agents are involved.
He is referred to as a serpent, which means he’s the closest agent to the devil.
Leviathan is assigned to bring down ministries, men and women of God and people doing the will of God.
Your battle has become fierce, because you’ve not identified the spirit.
Leviathan hangs around water, which is symbolic of the Holy Spirit…he likes to hang around where God has poured out His spirit to cause confusion.
Leviathan likes careless Christians!
Prayer: Lord, give me the grace for spiritual warfare; to enforce the devil’s defeat in Jesus name. Amen.