“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” — PROVERBS 23:7

You cannot be different from your thinking. If you think poor, you will be poor; if you think rich, you will be rich. Prosperity is not about money, but the state of the mind. That is why I cannot change your life unless I change your thinking.

Jesus came to earth, took twelve apostles, and changed their thinking. After He ascended to heaven, these apostles went out and transformed the world. One day, they stood before the Sanhedrin, who wondered how these uneducated men could carry such authority. But the Bible says, “They took notice and realized that these people had been with Jesus.”

My question to you is: Whom have you been with, and who are you spending your time with? Show me your friends, and I can predict your future; show me the company you keep, and I can easily tell where you are heading. Today, I want to tell you that if you want to move your life from where it is to the next level, the first thing you need to check is the way you think.

Prayer: Pray and ask God to align your thinking with His plans and purposes for your life.