“But the Lord said unto Samuel, look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord sees not as man sees; for man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” — I SAMUEL 16:7

Sometimes, the way we see things can be different from the way God sees them. If you see things the way God sees them, your attitude towards them will change. You must see things the way God sees them. You must see your husband the way God sees him; you must see your wife the way God sees her; you must see your pastor the way God sees him. You should not fight against someone who is a contact for your blessing.

When Samuel arrived at the house of Jesse and saw his first son, he lifted up the oil to anoint him. If God had not shouted from heaven, Samuel would have anointed the wrong king for God. Notice what the Lord told Samuel in 1 Samuel 16:7: “But the Lord said to Samuel, look not on his countenance nor the height of his stature.” This was a prophet whose words never fell to the ground, but this time, his eyesight and perception were wrong.

How are you seeing things? Never think that because you carry a great anointing, you are incapable of making a mistake. Human beings will always be human beings. This earth is full of deceptions; even when the angels came here, their eyesight deceived them, and they fell with women. So, no matter how anointed you are, like Samuel, you need God to be there to guide you.

Prayer: Pray and ask God to help you see things the way He sees them.