“Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.” – Ephesians 6:18 (KJV)

Many Christians wake up in the morning and go about their daily routines without talking to God in prayer. I have reached a point in my Christian walk where I simply cannot start my day without spending at least two hours in prayer. I recall in 2006, I embarked on a three-day fast, and my sole request to God was for an appetite for prayer. I believe God answered that prayer, and for the past several years, I have been able to lead His children in all-night prayers every Friday.

One of the most common testimonies from those who regularly attend our all-night meetings is that their prayer lives have transformed. Friend, I want you to understand something: you cannot dive into water and not get wet. If you immerse yourself in an atmosphere of prayer, you will begin to pray as well. If you develop a genuine hunger and thirst for prayer, you will rise from being a victim to becoming a victor. May the Spirit of God take you to a place where you become addicted to prayer.

Pray and ask God to stir up in you a hunger for prayer.