“Watch and pray, so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” – Matthew 26:41

Many churches, once built on the foundation of prayer, have lost their spiritual power over the years. However, I believe revival is possible for every church that has grown cold, if only they will stand firm and pray. A church without revival is vulnerable to all kinds of demonic attacks, such as immorality, barrenness, poverty, frustration, stagnation, and retrogression.

I want you to know that nothing is impossible with God, and no door is too difficult for Him to open. The door may seem shut right now, but believe that the God who can do the impossible is with you, right behind that door, ready to open it if only you persist in prayer.

To persist in the kind of prayer necessary for personal revival, we must become desperate for God. That’s why you must not let earthly achievements hinder your pursuit of Him. Some Christians around the world face persecution and death for praying, yet they hide in caves and forests to pray because they understand that survival without prayer is impossible. Likewise, you cannot thrive without prayer. If you desire revival in your life, you must stand and pray.

Ask God for the grace to remain steadfast in prayer.