“Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man, but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man.” – Matthew 15:11

Many Christians have lost opportunities and blessings in their lives because of careless speech. One way to determine whether someone has faith is by listening to the words they speak. The devil is always on the lookout for a chance to exploit your negative confessions. It’s important to understand that the words you speak carry great influence over your life.

No matter the circumstances, you should never speak negatively, as your words can disqualify you from receiving a miracle. What delayed the Israelites from entering the Promised Land wasn’t the devil, it was their own words. They said, “We are not able,” admitting that their adversaries were stronger than they were, making it impossible in their eyes to conquer the land (Read Numbers 13:1-2; 25-33). These fearful statements delayed their entry into the Promised Land.

Wrong confessions can rob you of victory and may even be the reason for stagnation in your life over the years. I encourage you today to begin speaking positively in any situation you find yourself in.

Ask God to deliver you from negative confessions and help you speak words of faith and victory.