“But he who doubts is condemned if he eats, because he does not eat from faith; for whatever is not from faith is sin.” – ROMANS 14:23

The Bible clearly teaches that anything done outside of faith is a sin. All the unbelief and negative words you’ve been speaking are, in fact, sinful. You must resolve in your heart not to let negative words escape your lips, no matter what situation you are in. As the Bible says, “Let the weak say, ‘I am strong’” (Joel 3:10).

It’s not that the weakness isn’t real, but in your weakness, you are declaring strength. I understand you may be facing financial hardships, but even in the midst of those challenges, declare prosperity. The devil cannot resist what you speak, especially when you speak from a place of faith.

One of the greatest enemies of faith is fear. The devil works tirelessly to weaken the faith in your heart because he knows that when your faith comes alive, your declarations will trigger supernatural results. Do not entertain fear and doubt in your heart, as they will give the devil the ammunition to block your blessing.

Pray and ask God to deliver you from the spirit of fear…