“Be angry, and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your wrath” – EPHESIANS 4:26 (NKJV)

Suppressed anger, also known as unexpressed anger, occurs when you feel upset or offended but choose to hide your emotions, believing it’s not the right time to address them. Instead of confronting the issue, you file the anger away for another day. This method of handling anger can be very destructive, especially in marriage, in the long run.

Many people with this attitude easily succumb to thoughts that lead them to walk away from their relationships, often ending up in situations they later regret. Some, even married men, have found themselves in the arms of another woman, or vice versa, breaking their marriage vows because they allowed their anger to fester in silence.

A prime biblical example of suppressed anger is Absalom’s resentment toward his stepbrother, Amnon, as described in 2 Samuel 13:21-32. Absalom kept his anger hidden for years before taking revenge when everyone thought the issue had been resolved. May that never be your story in Jesus’ Name. Amen!

PRAYER: Pray and ask God to help you release every bitterness from your heart.