“But as he who has called you is holy, so be holy in all manner of conduct.”
1 PETER 1:15
One day, I saw a pastor officiating a wedding and the bride had half of her breast showing. I stood and said, There is an attack on the church because if there is no difference between the way a Christian dresses and the way the world dresses, then why are we in church? Jesus is coming to take his bride who is without spot or wrinkles (Eph. 5:27) so, why are all these wrinkles in the church?
Those of you, who are virgins, be virgins till you marry; it will be a plus and a glory on you. If you messed up in your old life and now you have become a virgin in Christ, continue to stay virgin in Christ. If you are married, let the breast of your wife satisfy you at all times (Prov. 5:19) because when you are leaving as couples and one is committing adultery, God doesn’t see you as one again. The only ingredient you need to see God is holiness and without it, no one can see God (Heb. 12:14). The three most trusted weapons of the enemy are pride, money, and sex. So, stay pure because it will deliver you from many troubles.
Pray and ask God to cleanse you with the blood of Jesus and to help you live a holy life…..
Righteousness is God’s responsibility but holiness is our responsibility.
Numbers 9-11 Mark 5:1-20