“He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so.”

Matthew 19:8

Many of us suffer from hardness of heart. When a person’s heart is hardened, they cannot be corrected.

If you harden your heart, God will help you to fail! He helped Pharaoh to harden his heart and destroy himself.

Hardened heart people will never change no matter what you preach to them. They have already taken a stand. They feel like they have already heard what you are going to say. Sometimes they believe that they know more than you. They are full of stubbornness, arrogance and pride.

A person with a hardened heart says things like “As for me, that’s how I am o…” It means that no matter what you do, they will not change.

When your heart is hardened, God stops speaking to you. It’s our responsibility pay price to constantly hear the voice of God, but we cannot do this with a hardened heart! If you come to the place of knowing God, no one has to tell you to pray for meekness.

The most dangerous people in church are those who are religious but not spiritual. Religious people value a set of rules more than they value true Godliness and spirituality. They never change and never break through.

Prayer: Lord, soften my heart. Search me and know me, try me and know my anxious thoughts, and lead me in the way everlasting.